When you want to explore Prague, it is essential to find as much information about the weather in Prague as you can. And here are some tips which you can find useful.
You can enjoy humid continental climate in Prague
Prague lies in the heart of the Czech Republic in the centre of Europe. It has a humid continental climate. The summer is usually warm and not very dry. The hot season for weather in Prague is from May 26 to September 8 and the temperature is about 19 degree centigrade. The hottest day is August 6 and it is likely to be 24 degree centigrade. The chilly season is from November 15 to March 5 and the temperature will be about -6 degree centigrade. January 23 is considered to be the coldest day of a year and its temperature is likely to be -4 degree centigrade or low.
The length of daylight for weather in Prague
The light during the day differs according to the season of a year. In winter, especially on December 21, there is only 8 hours of daylight; however, in June 20 you can enjoy sunshine for about 16 and a half of an hour a day for weather in Prague.
And what about raining?
Moderate rain can be anticipated in October, moderate snow can be likely to be around January 27 and thunderstorms are likely to be observed around June 25 and romantic light rain is likely to be around September 30 in Prague.
During the hot season which means from May 26 to September 8 there is more than fifty per cent of average chance of precipitation, however, it will be mostly moderate rain, less likely thunderstorms. And during the cold season of weather in Prague a year which ranges from November 15 to March 5, there is even bigger chance of precipitation – more than sixty per cent.
Now you can choose the most appropriate date of visiting Prague according to our article Weather in Prague.